Build on your community's strengths.
Provide your community tools that help people work together.
Yes2Connect provides tools so communities can work together for business support and disaster resiliency.
Businesses can report hazardous material locations real-time. Click image to stop rotation.
Businesses can report hazardous material locations real-time. Click image to stop rotation.
People can report concerns without clogging 911 system. Reports can be managed by CERT volunteers.
Multiple forums can be quickly added to app to organize the chaos.
Poster with qrcode. Witnesses can click on code, sends picture to owner.
If you're away, you can assign local representative or give access info to first responders.
Filing an insurance claim is faster, more complete with pre-disaster video of your home/business.
Businesses can submit business triage request, helping officials prioritize needs.
In Good Times
Businesses can post ads and news at no cost. They can offer loyalty rewards, sell on the MiniMart (or link to their online store), and more.
Everyone has a private disaster plan with contact lists, evacuation plans, and a place to upload pictures for insurance purposes. There is an automatic update system so everyone's plan stays current. People can share their plan within their families and businesses can share portions of their plan with employees.
People and/or businesses can easily create Neighborhood ReadyWatch groups. They can learn about and connect with local organizations. People can use Yes2Connect to celebrate volunteers and other local heroes. Businesses are recognized for their community involvement.
Yes2Connect encourages everyone to post pictures and information to create a LocalAncestry site.In Bad Times
Officials and organization leaders can open forums to provide real-time information to the community. The forums are controlled by those leaders, so bad or inappropriate information can easily be deleted.
Businesses and individuals can post information on their status and needs, which is shared with officials, organizations, and their contact lists. During recovery, when people are scattered everywhere, everyone can use these tools to quickly connect with people for information, property access, business support, and more.The Leadership Team shares a Leadership forum, where they can access real-time information from other community leaders. They can then relay accurate information to their constituency.
Team Members can also use their connections within the community to assist Officials with needs that may arise.using Yes2Connect